[ENet-discuss] Python interface to ENET

Scott Robinson scott at tranzoa.com
Mon Nov 3 07:35:06 PST 2003

Interleaved response follows.


* Lee Salzman translated into ASCII [Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 09:58:30AM -0500][<20031103145830.GA10199 at wyrm>]
> I added your autoconf stuff to the distribution. Muchos gracias. Could
> you help me out with an "install" option for the Makefile, though? :)

Did you checkout the README?

My local "make install" worked fine. Did you want a shared library instead?

> But, could you write some documentation on how to use your new pyenet
> wrapper before I include it in? 

It's actually rather self documenting; but, I'll run it through pydoc for
an export and also add documentation to the top of the classes as necessary.


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