[ENet-discuss] Python interface to ENET

Scott Robinson scott_enet at scott.tranzoa.net
Mon Nov 3 07:40:12 PST 2003

Interleaved response follows.

* Rene Dudfield translated into ASCII [Tue, Nov 04, 2003 at 01:33:53AM +1000][<3FA67561.90007 at yahoo.com>]
> Yeah, some unittests.  Maybe just testing on the local interface will do
> for most things.  However some way to run tests on seperate hosts would be
> good too.  Once the new pyenet is in, I'll help write some unittests for
> it.  In python that is.  Probably make it so that certain tests will be
> run on a N number of hosts, but have a script which can run them on local
> host.  Perhaps having an enet program running on each test host which
> launches all the seperate tests :) Would also be nice documentation, and a
> good exercise in learning enet I guess.

Unittests using the pyenet wrapper would be wonderful! More testing than
just my code. (though, I've yet to run into any problems...)

> Does the new pyenet have a setup file?  If not, take a look at the current
> one.  Not sure if distutils supports pyrex.  Probably the new version
> does?

I updated the pyenet setup.py file.

I've never used distutils on pyrex directly: I added an os.system("pyrexc
enet.pyx") and it handles failure properly from there. Pyrex outputs a C
file, which setup.py supports just fine.

I don't know about the new version... I'm not a Python pro - it just does
stuff for me. ;-D


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