[ENet-discuss] Inconsistent connection status between hosts in bad network conditions

kristin.nielsen at se.atlascopco.com kristin.nielsen at se.atlascopco.com
Thu Jun 18 06:56:07 PDT 2015

I've been investigating a system with two Enet hosts under bad network 
conditions, and noticed  a spurious disconnect at the server.

I've used Enet v.1.3.13 and for simulating bad network I've used netem 
with configuration "delay 100ms 100ms 5% loss random 45% corrupt 35%"
which means a delay of all packets of 100ms a random loss of 45% for all 
packets and 35% of all packets are corrupt.

At first, the network is good and both client and server connects to each 
other, Enet reports ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT.

Then I apply the bad network and both the client and the server 
disconnects, Enet reports ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT on both client and 

When the bad network conditions are restored, at first, everything seems 
to work fine. Enet reports ENET_EVENT_TYPE_CONNECT  for both client and 
But then, after some second, I will get a spurios 
ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT on the server side only. The client still 
thinks everything is up and running.
And I'm stuck in a state that I can only get out from by restarting one of 
the applications(either the server or the client doesn't matter)
This happens almost everytime.

I have also noted that if I apply really bad network, for example a random 
loss of 95% of all packets, and the restore. Then, I havn't seen this 
strange disconnect.

Best regards, 

Kristin Nielsen 
Software Developer LHD Applications 
Rocktec Division 
Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB 
Klerkgatan 21 
701 91 Örebro 

+46 019 768 25 85 

kristin.nielsen at se.atlascopco.com 
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