[ENet-discuss] Get ENet version?

James Bellinger james at illusorystudios.com
Mon Apr 22 16:38:31 PDT 2013

Is there any ENet function I can call to get its current compiled 
version? If not, could you please add one? Just a function that can be 
called any time that returns ENET_VERSION would be all I'd need...

I was thinking enet_initialize_with_callbacks might work, but that 
appears to only fail if it's below 1.3.0, not below the current version.

This would be useful to me because in a C# library there's no good way 
to know which version of ENet is being used, especially given that on 
Linux 1.3.3 is packaged with Ubuntu, on Windows it may be running 1.3.6, 
etc. I'd like to be able to support multiple versions portably, but this 
is only possible if I can figure out which version's native structures 
are being used.

Thank you


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