[ENet-discuss] Enet's Timer Precision Needs (timeBeginPeriod)

Lee Salzman lsalzman at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 03:02:17 PDT 2012

But we're talking about timeGetTime() with approx 16ms period, in which
case it has no real advantage over GetTickCount().

On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Ruud van Gaal <ruud at racer.nl> wrote:

> I think GetTickCount() has worse accuracy than timeGetTime() even (perhaps
> also influenced by timeBeginPeriod() though).
> Another option I use on PC's is QueryPerformanceTimer(), but I can imagine
> those are a bit flaky on mobile or performance-tuning machines.
> Cheers,
> Ruud
> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:51 AM, Lee Salzman <lsalzman at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You can try replacing it with something like GetTickCount() in the code
>> instead of using the timeBeginPeriod/timeGetTime stuff and see what
>> happens... Really, I can't entirely predict how much this will break ENet's
>> timing or not, try and see...
>> On 10/22/2012 02:58 AM, Mike Kasprzak wrote:
>>> (Hey Sven)
>>> Okay, then let me give a practical example so I don't get a "you
>>> should always use 1ms" response. ;)
>>> To meet Intel's Power Certification requirements, an application must
>>> idle (not run, but idle) with a timer period 15.6 ms. Basically, if
>>> you never call "timeBeginPeriod", then you pass. timeBeginPeriod
>>> changes the ms clock rate of all running applications on Windows, and
>>> the lowest period set will always have priority. Lower timer periods
>>> across all of Windows have an effect on power drain, and that is why
>>> they care. If you're the main in-focus application it's fine, but if
>>> you're minimized, it's "not neighborly" to be forcing other
>>> applications to run at a lower timer period when they don't need to.
>>> At least, that's the best way I can think of to explain that
>>> requirement.
>>> So the practical use: A game would want to set it to 1 ms due to
>>> broken vsync and better ping, but if the game is minimized then it
>>> doesn't need such a low rate.
>>> I found calls to "timeBeginPeriod" in SDL and enet. Again, it's right
>>> there in the win32 implementation of enet_initialize.
>>> Now sure, I can just go right in to win32.c and remove it. Easy.
>>> That's not the issue.
>>> The issue is if I do that, can anyone think of a reason enet will break
>>> on me?
>>> And with that in mind, should enet be doing this all the time anyways?
>>> SDL gives you the option of building the SDL library without timer
>>> support, which is a way of disabling it.
>>> I'm totally cool with it staying as a default and all, but should
>>> there be a "proper" way of disabling it besides editing source? Then
>>> it becomes my responsibility to set the timer period on Windows as I
>>> gain/lose application focus (or not at all). I'm just hoping there's
>>> not some reason enet will suddenly start losing data because my clock
>>> updates are 15ms slow. :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike Kasprzak
>>> Sykhronics Entertainment
>>> www.sykhronics.com
>>> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:57 PM, Sven Bergström<fuzzyspoon at gmail.com**>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> MIKE, what are you doing on my list!
>>>> So, I think it's also implementation detail of the game itself, much
>>>> like
>>>> ruud suggests.
>>>> Some games would not need lower precision, some games would.
>>>> Though that doesn't mean I understand the full extent of the changes on
>>>> ENet
>>>> internals,
>>>> it doesn't appear to (by digging around in the code) change enough to
>>>> cause
>>>> problems.
>>>> I'd wait for lee to weigh in, though.
>>>> Sven
>>>> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 7:49 PM, Ruud van Gaal<ruud at racer.nl>  wrote:
>>>>> I would say the time accuracy has an influence on ping time, where it
>>>>> helps to get millsecond accuracy instead of just 15ms.
>>>>> Resend times are big enough to probably not be influenced much.
>>>>> Still, any game quickly uses 1ms timing, if only for accurate fps
>>>>> timing.
>>>>> I think ENet will run, but just a bit more jerky than is needed.
>>>>> Ruud
>>>>> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:06 PM, Mike Kasprzak<mike at sykhronics.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I have a bit of an overly technical enet implementation question, so
>>>>>> apologies in advance.
>>>>>> Long story short, I've been going through and doing some work to make
>>>>>> an older game of mine pass Intel's power use certification tests. To
>>>>>> do that, you run Intel's Power Checker tool alongside your app/game:
>>>>>> http://software.intel.com/en-**us/software-assessment?&**
>>>>>> paneltab[tabs-28-main]=pid-**252-28#pid-252-28<http://software.intel.com/en-us/software-assessment?&paneltab[tabs-28-main]=pid-252-28#pid-252-28>
>>>>>> The older game is totally single player game that doesn't use
>>>>>> networking at all. That said, I was investigating one of my fail
>>>>>> points (timer precision) by running my new games client and server,
>>>>>> where I noticed even the server (without any graphics at all) was also
>>>>>> using a 1ms precision. A bunch of digging later, I found a
>>>>>> "timeBeginPeriod (1);" call inside win32 implementation of
>>>>>> enet_initialize.
>>>>>> My question is: How important is timer precision to enet's overall
>>>>>> implementation?
>>>>>> I realize that's a vague question, so let me clarify. Raising (or not
>>>>>> changing) the timer precision means calls to timeGetTime() will simply
>>>>>> not return new numbers until the timer period has passed. So, if the
>>>>>> Windows default of 15ms is used, no matter how many times you call it
>>>>>> during those 15ms, it will not change. For reference, timeGetTime is
>>>>>> used inside enet_time_get and enet_time_set, so that's how it affects
>>>>>> enet.
>>>>>> So a better question: What would a lower precision timer break in
>>>>>> enet?
>>>>>> Like, is the time used in any way that may delay packets? Or is it
>>>>>> purely statistical, like it will just ruin our frame of reference on
>>>>>> when a packet was sent/received?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Mike Kasprzak
>>>>>> Sykhronics Entertainment
>>>>>> www.sykhronics.com
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