[ENet-discuss] Questioning a server without connecting to it

Emmanuel Rivoire manu.n02 at laposte.net
Sun May 27 02:37:51 PDT 2012


At 15:25 27/05/2012, you wrote:
>I'm sorry but that's not how it works. There are very good papers 
>out there (from the makers of the Unreal Networking Engine, Source 
>and TNL) where you can get a good idea of different design choices 
>that you have to make.
>In any case, you don't have to make your choice now. You can change 
>your tickrate at any time, if you're not happy about it.
>Your 20 * 32 figure is incorrect, of course. You assume each client 
>only is within scope of itself. The real figure is much larger.

So you say there are more than 20 * 32 packets sent by the server 
when there are 32 clients, and that it depends of the players surrounding ?
Are you sure you know what you're talking about ?
If there's more or less to report at each tick, then it'll change the 
packet size, not the number of total packets.

The send tick rate can be modified, but I was only talking about the 
default value of Counter Strike. I assume, maybe wrongly, it's the 
one usually used.
Anyway, even if the usual tick rate is 30 per second instead of 20, 
then it's all the more against "60Hz is basically an insane network rate" .

>But I think you made up your mind even before you came asking, so it 
>doesn't matter.

The thing is I didn't come here to ask anything about my network design.
I just asked how to reduce ENet header overhead, and people started 
to tell me that I shouldn't worry about that and that I couldn't send 
60 packets per second, that it was "insane network rate" and wouldn't 
work, and that basically I was doing everything wrong.

But I'm doing this in my games since more than _6_ years, and it's 
working _fine_ ..!
I got thousand of players every month and connections are as smooth 
as Internet allows them to be.

So no, I don't have to make my choices now, I did them more than 6 
years ago and I'm quite happy with them.
I don't need to talk about them, but I'm happy to explain them to 
people who wants to hear them, thinking I can share my experience.
So I tried to explain that to guys who talked about design around 
here, so they'd understand my way to do things, but looks like the 
message isn't passing so well, at least to some of them, might be due 
to packet loss... ;-)  

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