[ENet-discuss] Questioning a server without connecting to it

Emmanuel Rivoire manu.n02 at laposte.net
Fri May 25 21:23:05 PDT 2012

At 11:13 26/05/2012, you wrote:
>Which is why 60Hz is basically an insane network rate. You're still 
>drowning in headers no matter how small you make things. Really, you 
>don't need 60Hz. For objects with predictable trajectories you don't 
>really need more than 20-30Hz. The changes in trajectory don't need 
>to be sent at any particularly rate, and thus are sent out 
>immediately, there doesn't have to be a delay involved.

it'll have the delay to reach the opponent PC.
If it's 100ms (ie: about 200ms ping), then the game will be a 
unplayable nightmare.
If you don't send 60 packets / s, then you don't have enough thing to 
predict correctly where the ball will go after the hit, so prediction 
will be more wrong more often and longer.
100ms on a good tennis strike = about 4 meters traveller by the ball 
just after the strike (tennis court length = 22 meters)

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