[ENet-discuss] A query about channels

Thorbjørn Lindeijer bjorn at lindeijer.nl
Sun Jan 17 11:39:53 PST 2010

On Sun, Jan 17, 2010 at 19:50, Alex Milstead <alex.milstead at gatech.edu> wrote:
> Also, Jay you mentioned earlier that it was easy to do simple data-type
> checking on the receiving end. I'm a bit of a fledgling network programmer
> -- I'm still definitely becoming more acquainted the vast amount of
> unfamiliar programming techniques in this particular arena. The only
> surefire type-checking system I know about in programming is in java (=/),
> with it's "instanceof" operator. As far as I know this type of mechanism, or
> anything similar, doesn't really exist in C/C++. So my next question is, if
> we're sending binary data along and receiving it as binary data, what's the
> most efficient way of type-checking the probable struct being piped through?

You give it a number which designates its type. You'd usually prepend
such a number to each of your messages, so that you know how to
interpret them on the other end.


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