[ENet-discuss] Reliable Packet & few other questions

Syed Setia Pernama syedhs at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 18 03:29:56 PDT 2008


Here is a few questions...

1) I send a reliable packet for synchronization purposes ie the other client will always 'exit' or 'enter' the scene altogether. In our office, it works fine, but in client environment where up to 24 computers are attached to one switch, it doesn't work sometimes. It seems that reliable packet can sometimes doesn't reach the intended recipient, how is to so? If I am not mistaken reliable packet in Enet is just like unreliable packets + acknowledge from the recipients.

2) How do I know the reliable packet get sent (and received) properly? It is kinda silly to send a packet with ID_SEND_DATA and the recipient reply back with ID_SEND_DATA_CONFIRMED because reliable packet should have a built-in acknowledgment mechanism so to my understanding, this is redundant.

Thanks for any replies...

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