[ENet-discuss] Ping servers

Lee Salzman lsalzman1 at cox.net
Thu Nov 29 05:46:59 PST 2007

Using a full ENet connection for that is overkill. Use the enet
socket functions to set up a raw UDP socket, and simply have
each client send a packet with its local time to the server. The
server just sends a UDP packet back with that time to wherever
it came from.


Martin Sherburn wrote:
> I'm using enet for my multiplayer game. I have coded up a master server 
> which clients connect to to get a list of game servers all using enet. I 
> was just wondering what the best way to ping the servers is. Clearly the 
> clients need to do this individually, rather than getting that 
> information from the master server.
> As far as I can see there are two options:
> - Client connects to the server using enet protocol, sends a ping 
> request (or several) then disconnects on receipt.
> - Use a technique similar to the command line ping tool.
> I would prefer to use the second approach because it means I don't need 
> to code anything up on the server side. But as far as I can tell enet 
> doesn't provide any way to make this possible. From what I've read the 
> ping tool uses ICMP instead of UDP, so why should it? But as this is a 
> common thing needed for most multiplayer games. I was hoping to find 
> somebody who has done this already.
> I wasn't able to find any c/c++ library with a simple interface to do 
> this for me. Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Martin Sherburn.

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