[ENet-discuss] Python interface to ENET

Ling Lo ling at frost.slimy.com
Mon Nov 3 05:05:15 PST 2003

On Sat, 1 Nov 2003, Scott Robinson wrote:

> I've been using the pyenet layer for a couple days now and I've been working
> through wrinkle after wrinkle. Ling, thanks for your excellent work, but I
> found it was just easier to create a new Pyrex interface... :-(

That's fair enough.  I wrote the pyenet thingibob in a spate of overnight
coding and I never actually got around to using it in anger (I don't
think a local loop shoot 'em up counts).

> My new interface has all the functionality of the pyenet layer and then some
> - it also has improved error checking and it doesn't seem to mysteriously
> drop connection at certain times...
> Attached to this e-mail is a source tree patch in unified form with the
> following:
> New enet.pyx, updated test scripts, and commented out build options to
> return to the original pyenet.

Cool, I've not looked into it (and to be honest, don't have the framework
to test it) but I am more than happy for pyenet to be replaced by your

> New automake/autoconf build scripts for enet.

One for Lee mefinks. :)
  |   Ling Lo

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