Hi, <br><br>I'm attempting to create a FPS game on the iPhone and Im using Enet for the networking, however Im having problems with packets not being sent through fast enough. <br><br>Im using the following to create a packet:<br>
<br> ENetPacket* packet = enet_packet_create(message, [allPackets[p].message length]+1, ENET_PACKET_FLAG_UNSEQUENCED );<br> enet_peer_send(sPeer, 0, packet);<br><br>The server I have running basically acts as a dumb terminal just sending back out whatever it receives in. Im only running this locally so I expected to get at least 30 packets a second but Im only getting about 10 a second. <br>
<br>Is this typical of enet, or should be able to get alot better performance out of it?<br><br>Thanks <br>Jon<br>