Is there any support for a reliable unsequenced channel?<br><br>My idea is to have a channel in which you can send packets that do not get blocked by other packets.<br><br>For instance if I send a packet about a missile being shot then nothing should block that packet from being delivered to the application instantly....<br>
<br>I really don't want to have to create numerous channels for every single type of packet as to reduce the chance of blocking other packets....<br><br>---------<br><br>Also is it true that by default a packet is unreliable and sequenced?<br>
<br>---------<br><br>My best ideas on what each type of transfer mode is best used for:<br><br>unreliable sequenced: Player position updates, voice packets etc...<br><br>unreliable unsequenced: Keep Alives, pings ???<br>
<br>reliable sequence: data transfer<br><br>reliable unsequenced: independant packets, weapon fire, drop mines<br><br>Just trying to get my head around this...<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>