For networks that occasionally show spikes in latency such that the other end<br>seems unavailable for a short period of time, what's the best way to accommodate?<br><br>How would one change the following enumerations:<br>
ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_LIMIT<br> ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MINIMUM<br> ENET_PEER_TIMEOUT_MAXIMUM<br><br>Using enet now I receive a disconnect event under these circumstances, where if the<br>same connection were using TCP (due to TCPs long timeouts), the connection would<br>
eventually be available again.<br><br>Just reading the code I noticed that timeouts can occur in two ways. One based on an<br>absolute timeout using the TIMEOUT_MAXIMUM and one on the round trip timeout using<br>the TIMEOUT_MINIMUM.<br>
<br>Appreciate any help.<br>