[ENet-discuss] Questioning a server without connecting to it

Emmanuel Rivoire manu.n02 at laposte.net
Thu May 24 08:30:56 PDT 2012

This feature should be UDP unreliable : 1 packet out, 1 packet back, 
nothing else.
If a packet is lost, my user can click on "Refresh" to try again.

But once my user will have chosen a server to connect to, I'll be 
glad to have all the other ENet features at hand ! ;-)

At 22:14 24/05/2012, you wrote:
>You're already using a reliable UDP channel, which are inherently using
>several "back and forths". If you think that's too much overhead (I honestly
>doubt that will be much of a problem for you), then you probably shouldn't
>be using reliable UDP in the first place and just use straight up UDP.

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