[ENet-discuss] Sending an image file over ENet

Stefan Lundmark stefanlun at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 16 12:05:05 PST 2012

I'm not sure I understand. Why wouldn't ENet be suitable? Just send the image file in parts and reassemble it on the receiving side.

It's no different than what you've done so far, it's just more data to transfer. I've personally used ENet for a Backup client/server and it works wonders.


> Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 22:10:31 +0200
> From: ape at ape3000.com
> To: enet-discuss at cubik.org
> Subject: [ENet-discuss] Sending an image file over ENet
> Hello!
> I have been developing a networked game with ENet. ENet is just great 
> for the game mechanics and basic communication. However, I also need to 
> send some image files to the connected clients occasionally. How well is 
> ENet suited for this kind of transmission? Is there anything special 
> things I should know when implementing a feature like this?
> Thanks.
> -- 
> Ape <Lauri Niskanen>
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