[ENet-discuss] Using packet-data w/o a memcpy()?

RAULO Emmanuel IT&L@bs emmanuel.raulo at orange-ftgroup.com
Wed May 12 00:27:56 PDT 2010

Hello Mike,

Mike Diehl a écrit :
> switch (event.type) {
> 		// XXX Are we really going to do a memcpy here?
> 		memcpy(P, event.packet->data, event.packet->dataLength);
> 		break;
> }
> How do I convert the 
> EnetPacket* to a void* without simply copying it to a char[]?

Well, event.packet->data *IS* a void*, you don't have to copy it if 
you're that concerned about performance and can just process the data in 
By the way, you will have to call enet_packet_destroy(packet) once 
you're done processing packet data.


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