[ENet-discuss] Compression algorithm

Andrew Fenn andrewfenn at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 03:51:00 PDT 2010

Wikipedia has a good summary on different compression libraries..

If you're looking for a non-GPL compression library you could try out
7zip which has its SDK under public domain..

On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:42 PM, Yaser Zhian <y at yaserzt.com> wrote:
> On 3/24/2010 17:50, Peter Soxberger wrote:
>> I'm currently thinking of what compression algorithm would be best to implement into a ENet based game?
>> Compression algorithms like ZIP would couse to much overhead. Algorithms like ZIP are designed for compressing huge files and not small network packets. What algorithm can be used for this?
>> What are you guys using in your projects?
> I agree that you should do data-specific compression first, and then
> maybe use a general compressor to further compress the result before
> transmission.
> Of course Zlib is the most widely used compression library out there,
> but if speed is important to you, you can take a look at UCL and LZO.
> http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/ucl/
> http://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/
> These are two libraries designed by the guys who make UPX. Overall, I
> would say that the compression ratio and speed of UCL is great (I feel
> it has a better compression than zlib, and it is quite faster, but I've
> never done a real benchmark.) The other algorithm, LZO is a bit faster
> but makes a bit larger data.
> Both libraries are under GPL though. I don't know whether that is good
> or bad for you.
> -yzt
> --
> May the Source be with you.
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