[ENet-discuss] ENet performance with big packets (~1MB) is very poor, am I missing something?

Taneli Rautio the_vizitor at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 22 06:03:16 PDT 2009


I've implemented a system which sends webcam frames from a client to a server over TCP (Boost.asio library). I decided to give performance boost to my application by changing the protocol to UDP with ENet. However, my application is very slow with ENet: the server receives about a frame per second although I am sending about 15-20 packets per second. Since my TCP implementation runs almost in real time, I'd like to know if I am missing something with ENet or is the UDP just a wrong protocol to send big packets? 

The client and the server code is basically copy&paste from the ENet tutorial, and the client and the server both run in their own threads so other things (i.e. showing the image on the screen) is not causing this. So far I've done only testing with localhost so the network speed is not an issue here either. The packets (frames) are quite big, a little over 900000 bytes.


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