[ENet-discuss] enet design question

H. Steuer steuer at unixsystems.de
Tue Jan 2 11:13:36 PST 2007

hi guys, hi lee,
        we would like to use enet for realtime delivery of video and
        packets. first of all i would like to see if the design of enet
        applicable for such a task.
        i've been digging through the list and found that the sending
        flushes its queues as fast as it can. meaning that it does not
        wait for
        acknowledgements (in reliable mode) for a already sent packet
        (or a
        bunch of packets). the receiving side tries to bring packets
        back into
        sequence and does the fragmentation.
        while testing enet i tried to flood the server with about 80k
        the server side just receives about 900 of them, then hangs
        (seems to
        wait for other packets/fragments to be received).
        it seems that the queues on the server side are filled up and
        enet cant
        rebuild the packet stream. the higher the packet rate is and the
        the packets are (fragmentation then creates more packets), the
        enet stops responding.
        the client then times out after quite a while.
        any ideas on that issue or alternatives to enet?
        thanks alot for your help.

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