[ENet-discuss] Multiple enet_host_service instances?

Kamran Soomro kamransoomro84 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 10:31:34 PDT 2007

I thought so :). Thanks for the reply.

On 8/24/07, GhostManZero <ghostmanzero at lutherlink.de> wrote:
> From what i know, Enet_host_service will "empty" the list of events, so if
> the connect thread gets the receive packet and just ignores it, it'll lose
> the packet, so you wont receive it on the other thread.
> Remember, even if threads appear to run all at the same time, they need to
> "pause" the program to sync, using mutexes or semaphores or stuff like that,
> so a thread being "run" will pause all other threads.
> (note to self: next time, use "reply to list" instead of reply so the msg
> will be sent to the list and not to the poster)
> Quoting Kamran Soomro <kamransoomro84 at gmail.com>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was wondering if running multiple instances of enet_host_service on
> the
> > same host, but looking for different events will create problems or not?
> I
> > mean to say, that suppose I'm listening in one thread for an
> the
> > same time, same host. Now, suppose an ENET_EVENT_TYPE_RECEIVE is
> generated,
> > but the active thread at that time is the one listening for CONNECT, and
> it
> > receives the RECEIVE event, checks if it's a CONNECT event, and doesn't
> do
> > anything. Now, when the RECEIVE thread runs, will it receive the RECEIVE
> > event or not? Please let me know if I'm not clear. Thanks!
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Kamran Soomro.
> >
> --
> ~Zero
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Kamran Soomro.
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