[ENet-discuss] Peer starving problem....

Nono BEZMan nonobezman at yahoo.com
Tue May 30 12:31:38 PDT 2006

This is what I feared... enet does cope well with
over-the-bandwidth tranfers. I thought it would do
some flow control with the ack/retry system, but it
does not seem to do it fairly.

I also tried to put a bandwidth limit in
enet_host_create, but it did not do anything. The
throtle_bandwidth() function is called, but it does
not seem to slow down the whole connection.

Again, what I do not get is why sending 512KB on ONE
peer (which means having to resend out-of-order
packets) works fine where sending 1KB (<MTU) on 50
peers does not. The bandwidth used is exactly the

Packet loss shold be the same in both cases (except if
something weird is going on with the rtt on some
peers, which does not happen when you only have one
peer). The 50-peer case should even be easier on

I am really looking for solutions here, as I do think
it is a tweak to enet that would really be worth it.
So much work has already been done in it, and we are
close to a perfect solution here... except for that
starvation issue.

Thanx again.

--- "Adam D. Moss" <adam at gimp.org> wrote:

> As a test completely aside from ENet, do you find
> that
> large file downloads (i.e. FTP) over this link slow
> to a
> trickle (or even timeout) while you are performing
> large
> file uploads?  This is a really common, and
> unpleasant,
> scenario for 'home' lines with high download:upload
> bandwidth ratios.
> If this proves to be the case then google for 'ack
> starvation' and 'ack prioritization'.  There seem to
> be
> no trivial cures for this, though I'd be interested
> in
> hearing.  Most workarounds seem to boil down to
> limiting
> outgoing bandwidth to something rather smaller than
> the
> 'true' line speed, whether by packet-shaping or
> (hackier
> still) at the application level, where this new
> limit is
> discovered by trial-and-error.  Ugh.
> --adam
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