[ENet-discuss] Beyond the LAN: Techniques from Networked Games for Improving Groupware Performance

Bjørn Lindeijer bjorn at lindeijer.nl
Mon Jun 26 06:54:43 PDT 2006

Hi Lee,

As my master thesis currently involves group awareness in distributed
groupware, I am reading some related papers. In my search for papers I
came upon "Beyond the LAN: Techniques from Networked Games for
Improving Groupware Performance" by Gutwin and Pinelle.

It outlines and explains the features in several open source network
libraries, including eNet. I assume you'd already know about it, but
if not I was sure you'd be interested to know about this paper. It's
still listed as "in submission" at http://hci.usask.ca/publications/,
so if you read any inaccuracies (like the website link, it's still
cubik and not bespin (what's the problem with redirecting that
anyway?)), maybe it's not too late to send in corrections.

Direct link to the paper:

Kind regards,

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