[ENet-discuss] Disconnect detection

Eric Boniface eric.boniface at inrialpes.fr
Fri Feb 11 09:11:00 PST 2005


I am a newbie to eNet and I try to write very basic client/server

In fact, the server send every 3 sec a message (string "packet") to all
connected clients.

I try to catch a client disconnection, but I do not succeed.

I put something similar to the server.cpp program from the cubeengine
source, as you can see below.
The problem is that each time the client disconnect, I receive a
negative value (event.peer->data is <0) so I do not change the type
field value.

In fact, I do not understand clearly what is the event.peer->data value.

Any idea ?? Suggestion ??

Thanks in advance,

    cerr << "-I- A new client connected from ";
    cerr << event.peer -> address.host << ":";
    cerr << event.peer -> address.port << "\n";

    newhost = new client; // client is a structure containing ENetPeer
*, string hostname, and so on
    newhost->type = 1; // Connected
    newhost->peer = event.peer;
    char hn[1024];
    newhost->hostname = (enet_address_get_host(&newhost->peer->address,
hn, sizeof(hn))==0) ? hn : "localhost";
    cerr<<"Connection of %s\n", newhost->hostname.c_str());
    addhost(newhost); // this function add the new host in a vector
    event.peer -> data = (void *)(newhost-&peers[0]);

   if((int)event.peer->data<0) break;
   printf("disconnected client : \n");
   printf("                    (%s)\n",
   printf("                    %x\n", event.peer->data);
   printf("                    %d\n", (int)event.peer->data);

   peers[(int)event.peer->data].type = 0; // disconnected.
   event.peer->data = (void *)-1;

 Eric Boniface
 Equipe e-Motion / Projet Parkview
Tél. : (33).(0)
 INRIA ­ Rhône-Alpes
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