[ENet-discuss] [PATCH] address of disconnected peer

Benoit Germain bgermain at ubisoft.fr
Fri Nov 26 08:10:44 PST 2004


When host servicing yields a DISCONNECT event, it is not possible to get the
address of the remote peer because the peer's structure contents have been
erased. So here is a little patch that enables the application to get the
information anyway:


typedef struct _ENetEvent 
   ENetEventType        type;      /**< type of the event */
   ENetPeer *           peer;      /**< peer that generated a connect,
disconnect or receive event */
   enet_uint8           channelID;
   ENetPacket *         packet;
+  ENetAddress          address;   /**< when receiving a disconnect event,
the peer is cleared, so we can get the address here instead */
} ENetEvent;

Protocol.c, lines 33, 564, 972, 1221:

       if (currentPeer -> state == ENET_PEER_STATE_ZOMBIE)
           host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 1;

           event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT;
           event -> peer = currentPeer;
+          event -> address = currentPeer -> address;


       if (commandNumber != ENET_PROTOCOL_COMMAND_DISCONNECT)
         return 0;

       host -> recalculateBandwidthLimits = 1;

       event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT;
       event -> peer = peer;
+      event -> address = peer -> address;


       if (outgoingCommand -> roundTripTimeout >= outgoingCommand ->
          event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT;
          event -> peer = peer;
+         event -> address = peer -> address;


enet_host_service (ENetHost * host, ENetEvent * event, enet_uint32 timeout)
    enet_uint32 waitCondition;

    event -> type = ENET_EVENT_TYPE_NONE;
    event -> peer = NULL;
    event -> packet = NULL;
    event -> address . host = 0 ;
+   event -> address . port = -1 ;

Benoit Germain
mailto:bgermain at ubisoft.fr <mailto:bgermain at ubisoft.fr> 

Person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt person doing it.
-- Chinese Proverb

People who think they're smart annoy those of us who are.
-- double-U's Proverb ?

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