[Fwd: Re: [ENet-discuss] Doxygenating]

Bruce Mitchener enet-discuss@cubik.org
Sat, 08 Mar 2003 16:04:14 -0700

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I broke the list config partially, so some posts didn't make it to the 
list .. forwarding those.

  - Bruce

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Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2003 11:03:10 -0500
To: enet-discuss@cubik.org
Subject: Re: [ENet-discuss] Doxygenating
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On Fri, Mar 07, 2003 at 11:42:54PM -0800, Brian Hook wrote:
> In my copious spare time I'll look at doxygenating bits and pieces of 
> enet.  What is the right way to submit patches?  What diff/format and 
> to whom?
> BTW, I get a CRC patch failure or something every time I cvs up, am I 
> doing something wrong?  It does a replace instead of patch, so I'm 
> fine, but that error is annoying. =)
> Brian

    As for the patch failure, no clue. CVS works fine for me at the
moment. Try checking out a fresh copy of the repository?

    As for source stuff, I can ask Bruce to give you CVS commit access
if you want, that way you can just doxygenate everything there and then.
The other way is just to email me the patches so I can commit them to
CVS for you. Either way, it's your choice.

