[ENet-discuss] Finding host IP

James Turk james at conceptofzero.net
Tue Aug 12 01:39:50 PDT 2003

Sorry if this has been asked before, I tried searching the list archives 
but I may have missed it.  I was wondering, if there is a way in enet to 
find the host IP, like on any given computer if there's a way I could 
write a function using enet that would work like  char* localIP(); that 
would just return the IP in IPv4 format.  Recieving the IP in the 
internal uint32 format would work as well as I know how to convert that 
back to a.b.c.d.  I've tried setting up a host on the same computer as a 
client and connecting to the client as, thinking that perhaps 
name resolution would find the real IP, but this only returns 
  If this isn't built into enet, if anybody else has used this 
functionality before and could point me in the right direction to 
writing my own outside of enet I'd appreciate the help. 

             -James Turk

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