BoyerMooreFinder predicates / case-insensitive find

Ralf via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Thu Nov 26 02:09:51 PST 2015

It seems the BoyerMooreFinder currently cannot be customized with 
a mapping like toLower:

import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args) {
	writeln("> ", find("Hello World", boyerMooreFinder("World")));
	writeln("> ", find("Hello World", boyerMooreFinder!("toLower(a) 
== toLower(b)")("world")));
	writeln("> ", find("EE Hello World", 
boyerMooreFinder!("toLower(a) == toLower(b)")("worl")));


> World
> World

The problem is here:

When it looks letters up in its private lookup tables, it uses 
the original letters, not the lower case ones.

Wouldn't it make sense to allow specifying a mapping operation 
via an additional parameter? (With the current API, I had to copy 
the algorithm class and customize it to use .toLower - works 
great while calling .toLower() on the whole string makes things a 
lot slower)

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