I hate new DUB config format

Jakob Ovrum via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Wed Nov 25 21:45:30 PST 2015

On Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 05:25:46 UTC, Andrei 
Alexandrescu wrote:
> This would be a lot more sensible if dub were not the official 
> package and build manager. The way I look at it, it's a 
> manifestation of a systemic problem: I can't work on dub and I 
> can't monitor decisions regarding it. Yet that doesn't make it 
> less official. So I need to trust other people to mind it in a 
> way that is aligned in broad strokes with my view. If I say 
> "well but that's very unlike my view" and I get back "some of 
> us prefer it a different way and that's the way it is" then 
> that trust is affected. -- Andrei

Then I think you should trust Sönke with the decision.

It's trivial to choose JSON when creating a new dub project and 
there's a link to the JSON version of dub's documentation in bold 
at the top of the SDLang version. SDLang is not a creation of the 
D community; is a *much better format* for dub package 
description files; and is plenty intuitive so that it's readily 
readable to people who don't know the language.

When I first saw this thread I was hoping it would be ignored for 
the massive bikeshed timesink that it is (with added spice of 
vitriol by the OP), so I'm really surprised core contributors 
would see fit to reply. `dub init` is something you almost never 
have to type and it takes all of three seconds to redo if you 
didn't get the result you wanted.

So much fuss over absolutely nothing.

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