Formal Review of std.range.ndslice

Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Tue Nov 17 11:01:51 PST 2015

On Monday, 16 November 2015 at 22:45:35 UTC, Jack Stouffer wrote:
> docs: 

I have already posted some things on Github, so If you will 
indulge me signing the praises of this addition for a moment:

Something dawned on me when I was scanning the numpy 
documentation, looking for anything obvious that was missed by 
this PR. What I noticed is that D really made the right bet when 
it came to putting a lot of range code in the standard library, 
because in order to make numpy useful at all, the authors had to 
recreate parts of the Python standard library in their C code so 
that it takes advantage of the type information that numpy arrays 
provide, where as all of std.algorithm and std.range can be used 
with this no problem. For example to create a zero initialized 
n-d array in numpy, you would have to use the numpy function 
np.zeros((10, 5)), but with this you can repeat(0, 50).sliced(10, 
5) with no performance penalty. In numpy to take the sum of a 
certain axis, you can use Python's len or sum like sum(array[:, 
0]) but it's slow so you have to remember the special case that 
you need to use array[:, 0].sum() instead to take advantage of 
numpy's types. With this it's just array[0..$, 0].sum with the 
same function you always use in the way you always use it. There 
are a ton of these special cases, and the consequence is it makes 
it very hard for non numpy code and numpy code to mix in a way 
that doesn't incur penalties or is a huge pain.

Also, this is a great showcase for how powerful D templates are 
as this solution is entirely a library solution where as numpy 
uses mountains of C code glued to Python. So, I think that this 
can be more powerful than numpy, as this fits naturally into the 
rest of your code base and can work efficiently with any range 
based code already written.

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