Formal Review of std.range.ndslice

Jack Stouffer via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at
Mon Nov 16 14:45:33 PST 2015

This is the start of the two week formal review for the proposed 
std.range.ndslice. This new addition to the standard library 
would add the ability to create and manipulate multi-dimensional 
random access ranges in a way that will be very familiar to those 
of you who use numpy. This has the potential to give D a huge 
boost in popularity in numerical and scientific applications.

A quick run down for those that are not familiar with the 
process. After two weeks, the PR author (Ilya Yaroshenko) will 
have time to make proposed changes. Then, when the author feels 
it's ready, the PR will go to a vote. In the vote, everyone in 
the community has a say, but if one of the main contributors or 
maintainers has a very negative opinion (for example) that will 
carry more weight.


previous discussion:

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