RFC in Comparison between Rust, D and Go

Ola Fosheim Grøstad via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sat Nov 14 03:39:52 PST 2015

On Saturday, 14 November 2015 at 11:30:04 UTC, Walter Bright 
> Like I said, you think the points I raised are all non-issues.

Please don't make assumptions about what I think. What I think is 
that for a language that is aligned with C semantics, you can 
with reasonable effort generate good quality C99 code.

> I just have to laugh. You even admit that Microsoft C doesn't 
> implement C99.

That's true. Microsoft has decided that C++ is sufficient. What 
that means is that you need to target C99 and modern C++.

> I'm sorry, but Modern C does not provide exact representations 
> for 10 bit bytes unless the underlying hardware supports 10 bit 
> bytes. And the 10 bit byte Modern C compilers do not provide 
> representations for 8 bit bytes.

That is true, but that is a very unlikely target today, and 
neither D or Rust support this configuration AFAIK. Even 24 bit 
integers are rare, though they exists in some DSP CPUs.

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