D for TensorFlow-like library

Muktabh via Digitalmars-d digitalmars-d at puremagic.com
Sun Nov 8 05:48:26 PST 2015

Google recently announced a distributed computational graph 
engine called tensorflow 
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90-S1M7Ny_o). They have written 
the backend in C++ and have a Python/C++ frontend. I am a D 
newbie and am reading through Ali's book, but still dont know 
enough about it, hence the question.
Will it be a good idea to develop an opensource implementation in 
D than C++, if I try to write it ? Since I am reading about D, I 
would love if I can apply what I learn here. Sorry if the 
question sounds stupid, I am not a systems programmer and mostly 
work with Python-Numpy stack.

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